WindowsMobile 2003—Chapter 2
67700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Creating or Changing a ContactSTo create a contact, tap New. To enter notes, tap the Notes tab. When
finished,tap ok to retur n to the contact list.
STo change a contact, tap it in the contact list, and then tap Edit.To
cancel edits, tapEd it>Undo. When finished making changes, tap ok to
return to the contact list.
Note: Ifyouenteranamewithmorethantwowords,themiddleword
is recorded as a middle name. If your contact has a double first or last
name, tap the Name arrow and enter the names in the proper box.
Tapto access the Name
Tapanywhere outside the box
toclose and return to details.
Note: New contacts are added to the displayed category.