412 700Series Color MobileComputer User’s Manual
Books, Microsoft Reader
adding bookmarks, 95
adding drawings, 95
annotations index, 95
attaching notes, 95
downloading, 93
reading, 94
removing, 95
Browsingthe Internet, Pocket Internet Explorer, 99
Build information, software, 20
CAB files
after the extraction, 236
creating, 224
INF files, 224
with CAB Wizard, 239
installationfunctions, SETUP.DLL, 236
placingfiles ontostorage card, 128
unit informationcontrol panel applet, 364
Cabinet Wizard
creatingCAB files, 239
troubleshooting, 240
using the application,224
Cabling, scanner, 216
allday events , 52
creating, 56
adding a note, 58
assigningto a category,60
changing, 55
creating, 55
deleting, 62
finding, 62
making recurring, 59
setting a reminder, 57
viewing, 53
categories, 51
meetings,sending a request, 61
options, changing, 63
Pocket Outlook, 50
recurrence pattern, 53
Startmenu icon, 31
CallGuard alert, enable while roaming, Phone application,
CDMA radios, 153
Call history, Phone application
CDMA radios, 149
GSM radios, 155
Capacitor,inte rnalsuper, 6
Capturingthoughts and ideas, via Notes, 75
Cards upport
CompactFlashcards, 21
radios, 23
Secure Digital cards, 21
Carrier, locationof ESN, 165
calendar, 51
contacts,assigning to, 69
activationwith SB555 Watcher, 165
Bell Mobility, 183
Telus, 183
Verizon, 168
antenna colorc ode, 133
AT command set, 184
copyingfiles from web site, 162
via Microsoft ActiveSync, 163
via storage cards, 163
CORE module, 140
location of ESC, 165
phone activation,144, 146
phone application, 144
setting up, 162
terminology, 162
locationof the executable file, 128
migrating AUTORUN.DAT files, 128
Channel, 802.11 radio module,374
Ciscocompatible extension specifications, 24
restore real-time after cold-boot, 367
setting date and time, 395
Windows Mobile settings, 45
Closing drivers, NPCP, 200
Codabar,configuration parameter, 306
user ID, 325
Code11, configuration parameter, 320
user ID, 329
Code128, configuration parameter, 309
FNC1 character, 311
user ID, 325
Code39, configuration parameter, 304
user ID, 325
Code93, configuration parameter, 308
length, 308
user ID, 326
CodeDivision Multiple Access. See CDMA/1xRTT
Cold boot, performing, 19
COM A, modem position, 366
COMB, serial position, 366
COM port
wedge settings, 214
COM1, NPCPparamete r, 199
COM1port, 198
Comm port wedge
disabling, 214
enabling, 213
errormessages, 214
limitations, 216
unit informationcontrol panel, 364
Commandline s yntax,Au toCab,130