423700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
internalscanner supported symbologies,212
scanning labels, 396
tetheredscanner supported symbologies, 222
user IDs
Codabar, 325
Code11, 329
Code128, 325
Code39, 325
Code93, 326
EAN 13, 328
EAN 8, 328
Interleaved 2 of 5, 326
Matrix2 of 5, 328
MSI, 326
PDF417, 326
Standard 2 of 5, 327
Telepen, 328
UPC A, 327
UPC E, 327
when notavailable
imager, 312, 313, 314, 316, 318, 319, 320
laser scanner, 321, 322, 323
AvantGoc hannels, 98
Calendar, 51
contacts, 65
e-mailmessages, 77
favorite links, 96
mobile favorites, 97
notes, 76
Pocket Word,85
System, Phoneapplication, CDMA radios, 153
creating a task, 74
Pocket Outlook, 73
Startmenu icon, 31
TCP/IP client, DHCP server, 194
Telepen, configuration parameter, 319
user ID, 328
Telus activationprocess, 183
TestingAT commands, 185
capabilities, 216
disabling, 214
enabling, 214
errormessages, 214
limitations, 216
supportedsymbologies, 222
Textmessages, Windows Mobile, 43
Time, setting, 395
Tips for working, Pocket Excel, 87
802.11 profile
certificates, 388
WPA encryption, 383
profile security information
WEP encryption, 382
WPA encryption, 383
Today, Windows Mobile settings, 45
Today screen, Windows Mobile, 30
Tools CD
CABfiles, 122, 364
CE Imager, 128
Comm Port Wedge CAB file, 364
management tools installed on desktop, 121
MIB files, 195
sample NPCP code, 202
wirelessprinting sample, 365
Tracking people, via Contacts, 64
Transcriber, Windows Mobile input panel, 37
Trap configurationparamete rs
authentication, 357
threshold, 358
Traps, controlpanel appet, SNMP, 357
1551/1553 Tethered Scanners, 221
CABWizard, 240
does not turn off, 402
I/O key, 402
powers tatus LED, 402
power supply, 402
shuts downduring operation, 402
slow recovery after a boot, 402
unitdoes not turn on, 402
802.11 radiomodule, WPA encryption, 386
profile security information, WEP encr yption, 385
Typing mode, Pocket Word, 83
Typing on the screen, Pocket Word, 83
Unit, configuration parameters
automatic shutoff, 393
backlight timeout, 393
date/time, 393
key clicks, 393
volume, 393
battery status, 363
CAB files, 364
ActiveX control tools, 365
Bluetooth stack, 364
CommPort Wedge , 364
NPCP printer, 364
S9C Upgrade, 365
Windows configuration, 365
wirelessprinting sample, 365
versions, 20, 362
UnitManager, date/time, 393