NetworkSupportChapter 4
165700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Note: Set the date and time before doing this activation.
SB555 Watcher is for activation and data provisioning. Once you enable
voice capability,data capability, or both depending on the carrier, remove
this program from the system by cold-booting your c omputer.
Intermec Technologiesdoes not recommend using the SB555 Watcher
program to make data and voice calls on a daily basis for these reasons:
SThe SB555 Watcher applicationis a third-party application unaware of
certain power management methods used in your 760 Compute r.
Therefore, the application consumes more powe r than necessary.
SThe application size consumes memory better used for your application
The process of setting up the account with your car rier and enabling the
CDMA WAN radio in your760 Computer is called activation. To proper-
ly function, programthe CDMA device with the necessary information
and set upthe network carrier account. If either piece has errors, the de-
vice does not function on the CDMA network.
The CDMA radio is pre-programmed for a speci fic carrier, such as Sprint,
Telus, Bell Mobility, Verizon, etc.). There fore, information about your
radio should already be in your car rier’s database.
You need to notify the carrier and set u p mobile accounts for each unit
you are activating.The Electronic Serial Number (ESN hex 63xxxxxx)
that you need to supplyto your carrier is located in two places:
SOn the outside of the 760 Computer shippingbox.
SOn the inside of the 760 Computer battery compartment. The label
would include the term “ESN” and a bar code along with the serial
The ESN comes in both decimal and hexadecimal formats. Most carri ers
accepteither format, but with a preference for the decimal format. You
only need toprovide one number to your carrier.
SThe decimal format consists of 11 digits, beginning with “099.”
SThe hexadecimal format is an 8-digit number, beginning with “63.”
Accounts for Verizon and Sprint carriers can be set u p for data only. Cana-
dian carriers (Telus and Bell Mobility) can be set f or data only, voice only,
or both voice and data. This is determined by your applicationand the
services your carrieroffers.
After the allESNs are provided to the carrier and the carrier has estab-
lished the accounts, you will be providedwith the lock codes and tele-
phone numbers needed to complete the activation process. You use the
SB555 Watcher program to accomplish this task. Be sure to write down this
information for future use.
Note: Ensure that you receive a spreadshe et with your order that calls out
all ESNs in both decimal and hexadecimal formats.