ConfigurableSet tingsAppendix —A
392 700Series Color MobileComputer User’s Manual
Use this page to configure additional settings for this profi le. Tap ok or
OK to return to the Profiles page.
SDetect Rogue APs:
Wireless NICs and APs associate based on the SSID configure d for the
NIC. Given an SSID, the BSSID with the str ongest signal is often cho-
sen for association. After association, 802.1x authentication may occur
and during authenticationcredentials to uniquely identify a user —
these are passedbetween the NIC and the AP.
The base 802.1x technology does not protect the networkfr om“r ogue
APs.” These can mimic a legitimateAP to authentication protocols and
user credentials. This providesillegal users ways to mimic legitimate us-
ers and steal network resources and compromise security.
Check this box to detect andr eportclient behavior suspected of being
rogue APs. Oncea rouge AP is detected, your 700 Series Computer no
longer associates with that AP until you perform a warm b oot.
Clear this box to solveAP connection problems that result when an AP
gets put on the rogue AP list due to inadvertant failed au thentications
and not because it is a real rouge.
SEnable mixed cell:
Mixed cell is a profile-dependentsetting. If enabled, you can connect to
mixed cell withoutusing WEP, then you can query the cell to deter-
mine whether you can use encryption.
SEnable Logging:
Check this box to log whatactivity incurs for this profile.