NetworkSupportChapter —4
162 700Series Color MobileComputer User’s Manual
SB555 Watcher (760 Computers with CDMA Radios)
The SB555 Watcher program is used on the 760 Computer with CDMA
radios only. Usethis primarily to activate the WAN radio. Once the WAN
radio is activiated, you can remove the SB555 Watcher program from the
760 Computer.
This tells you how to set up your CDMA radio in your 760 Computer.
Below are terms to familiarize you with CDMA radio technology:
Note: Set up and provision informationis also available in the 700 Color
CDMA Radio Setup Quick Start Guide P/N: 962-054-063.
Activation The process of programming the radio with the lock code (MSL) and phone n umber (MIN) to
allow it to communicate on the provider’s net work. Once activation is complete you can make
voice calls (ifenabled by the carrier) with the mobile computer.
Data Provisioning The process ofactivating the ability for the CDMA radio to establish data connections, such as
connectingto the Internet.The CDMA radio makes data connection only after it is activated
and data provisioned.
NID (NetworkID) A numericvalue programmed into the CDMA radioat the factory or during the activation
process. Your carrier may or may notu se this value, but your carrier may provide this for ac-
SID(System ID) A numericvalue programmed into the CDMA radioat the factory or during the activation
process.This number is used by your carrier to determine if theradio belongs to its CDMA
network.Your carrier may provide this number for activation purposes.
Note: Descriptionsin this chapter are for Sprint PCS, Bell Mobility, Te-
lus, and Verizon Networks versions of the SB555 Watch er program. Oth-
er carriers may be addedpending regulatory and carrier approval.

CopyingC DMA RadioModule CABFiles from Intermec Web Site

Copy CAB files from the Intermec web site at onto
your desktop. Note that this is subject to change.
1Select Service & Support >Developers Library fromthebluenaviga-
tion bar on the Intermec home page.
2Select 700 Color Support from the Developers Library navigationco-
lumn on theleft side of the screen.
3Select Downloads from beneath the 700 Color Support selectioninthe
Developers Library navigation column on the left side of the screen.
4Select WWAN from the center of the screen, beneaththe “Downloads”
5From beneath the “Sierra Wireless ‘Watcher’ Applicati on” title, down-
load anyof the CAB files shown, thenchoose your carrier CAB files.
Intermec recommends one of two methods with whic h to load these CAB
files onto your 760 Computer: via the Microsoft ActiveSync application
(next paragraph) or via a CompactFlash or Secure Digital storage car d
(next page). SeeChapter 3, “Installing Applications,” for more informati on
about these methods.