411700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Alphanumeric keypad
alpha(blue) key sequences, 16
[gold/white]key sequences, 14
registry settings
alpha plane, 293
goldplane, 293
unshifted plane, 293
scancodes, 296
Ambientlighting, 2
Annotations index, Microsoft Reader, 95
Antenna, radiotype, 133
802.11, 267
AT command interface, 184
IrSock, 198
Applau nch, control panel applet, 369
app launch control panel applet, 369
wakeupmask control panel applet, 368
adding a note, 58
assigningto a category, 60
changing, 55
creating, 55
deleting, 62
finding, 62
making recurring, 59
setting a reminder, 57
viewing, 53
via Calendar, 50
APS linear imager, about, 207
printing, 198
printing toa port, port print method, 198
raw text to printer, 198
ASN.1, 195
AT command interface, 184
testing, 185
Attaching notes totext, Microsoft Reader, 95
Audio, phone application, 160
Audio control panel applet, input mixing, 8
Audio files, Windows Media Player, 92
Audio system
external headset jack, 4
microphone, 4
AutoCab, command lines yntax, 130
AutoFTP, 248
AutoIP, 194
Automatic Private IP.Se e AutoIP
Automatic shutoff
bar codec onfiguration,393, 397
configurationparamete r, 393
Autostart FTP, 248
AvantGoc hannels, Pocket Internet Explorer, 98
AXCommunication, 365
AXFileTransfer, 365
AXReaderCommand, 365
AXVWedge, 365
Backlight control panel applet
ambient light sensor, 2
keypad, 12
Backlight timeout
bar codec onfiguration,393, 397
configurationparamete r, 393
Bar code configuration
audio volume, 393
automatic shutoff, 393
backlight timeout, 393
key clicks, 393
Bar codes
audio volume, 396
automatic shutoff, 397
backlight timeout, 397
Code39, 396
key clicks, 398
internalscanner supported symbologies,212
scanning labels, 396
supportedsymbologies, 303
tetheredscanner supported symbologies, 222
ambient lighting,2
lowbattery conditions, 6
RAM maintenance, 6
Battery status, unit information control panel applet, 363
frequency, 335
volume, 333, 334
disabling the volume, 334
selectinga volume, 9
silencing the volume, 11
supportedfunctions, 332
volume, turning it on, 7
when notavailable
beeperfrequency, 335
good read beep duration, 337
good read beeps, 336
BellMobility activation process, 183
Block recognizer, Windows Mobile input panel, 3 6
Bluealps CORE module
installing available modules, 137
loading a module, 137
accessing, 189
activating, 189
unit informationcontrol panel, main stack CAB file,
Bluetooth compatibility, network suppor t, 189