ProgrammingChapter —7
256 700Series Color MobileComputer User’s Manual
IDField Values

The id field of lpInBuf may be one of the following values:

IDField Values
This function enables ordisables the save regis tryto non-volatile media feature of the RegFlushKey() function.
lpOutBuf mustbesettozero(FALSE)ifthefeatureistobedisabledorone(TRUE)ifthefeatureistobeenabled.
This IOCTL sets a position of the dock sw itch. The dock switch may be set to e ither “modem” or “serial” positions.
lpOutBuf must point to a buffer that contains a byte value of either DOCK_MODEMor DOCK_SERIAL as
definedin OEMIOCTL.H; the value specifies the position the switch is to be set. The call appears as follows:
// port = DOCK_MODEM or DOCK_SERIAL as defined in oemioctl.h
BOOL SetDockSwitch( BYTE port)
DWORD cbRet;
return KernelIoControl(IOCTL_HAL_ITC_WRITE_SYSPARM,&cmd, sizeof(cmd),
This IOCTLsets a bit mask that represents the mask for the fiveprogrammable wakeup keys. The I/O key isnot a
programmablewakeup key. By default it is alwaysthe system resume key and all other keysare set to disable key
wakeup. A zeroin a bit position masks the wakeup forthat key. A one in a bit position enables wakeup for that key.
lpOutBuf must point to a buffer that contains a byte value of a wakeup mask consisting of the OR’ed constants as
#define SCANNER_LEFT 2
#define GOLD_A1 8
#define GOLD_A2 0x10
ITC_AMBIENT_KEYBOARD (does not apply to the 730 Computer)
This IOCTL sets the threshold for the keypa dam bient sensor. This can be a value from 0 (always off) to 255 (always
on). lpOutBuf must point to a buffer that contains a byte value of the desired setting.
ITC_AMBIENT_FRONTLIGHT (does not apply to the 730 Computer)
This IOCTL sets the threshold for the fron tlight ambient sensor. This can be a valu e from 0(a lways off) to 255.
lpOutBuf must point to a buffer that contains a byte value of the desired setting.