WindowsMobile 2003Chapter 2
97700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Mobile Favorites
If you are usingMicrosoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later onyour desktop,
you can download mobile favorites to your 700 Color Computer. Syn-
chronizing mobile favorites downloads Web content to your 700 Color
Computer sothat you can view pages while you are disconnected from
your ISP and desktop.
Use the InternetExplorer plug-in installed with ActiveSync to create mo-
bile favorites quickly. To create a mobile fav orite:
1In ActiveSync on your desktop, click Tools >Options,andselect
“Favorites” from the Mobile Device list. For more informationon using
ActiveSync, see ActiveSync Help on the desktop.
2In Internet Explorer 5.0 or greater on your desktop, browse to the page
you want to view offline, then click Tools >Create Mobile Favorite.
3To change the link name, enter a new name in the Name box.
4In the Update box, select a desiredupdate schedule to keep the page in
the Mobile Favorites folder up to date. You can also update content by
clicking Tools >Synchronize in Internet Explorer.
5To save the link in a subfolder of Mobile Favorites, click Create In and
select the desired subfolder.
6Click OK. Internet Explorer downloads the latest version of the page to
your desktop.
7To download the pages that are linked to the mobile favorite you just
created, in Internet Exploreron the desktop, right-click the mobile
favorite, thenclick Properties.OntheDownloadtab, specify the
number of links deep you want to download. To conserve 700 Color
Computer memory, go only one level deep.
8Connect your 700 Color Computer to your desktop. If synchronization
between your 700 Color Computer and desktop does not start, in Acti-
veSync on your desktop, click Sync.
Mobile favoritestake up storage memory on your 700Color Computer.
To minimize the amount of memory used:
SIn the settings for the Favorites information, type in ActiveSy nc op-
tions, turn off pictures and sounds, or stop some mobile fav orites from
being downloaded to the 700 Color Computer. For more information,
see ActiveSync Help.
SLimit the number of downloadedlinked pages. In Internet Explorer on
Properties.IntheDownload tab, specify “0” or “1” for the number of
linked pages you want to download.