InstallingAp plicationsChapter 3
129700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
5Create a “\CabFiles” folder on the storage card. Copy any CAB files that
are to be extractedon every startup into this folder.
6In the “\2577” directory, addyour custom AUTOUSER.DAT file. See
the Recovery Help for more information on how to set up an
7If you are using the RegFlushKey()API, the application must use a spe-
cial API to make sure the registry is written to the appropriate card; or
you can use the Utilities control panelapplet, as follows. See Appendix
A, “Configurable Settings,” for more information about this applet.
aFrom the 700 Series Computer,tap Start >Settings >theSystem tab
>theUtilitiesicon > the Registry Save tab.
bTap Enable Registry Storage to save the registry in the Flash File Sys-
tem (PSM) via the “\Flash_File_Store\Registry ” path.
cTap ok to save your entry and exit the Utilities contr ol panel applet.
700Color Screen 730Screen
8Remove the storage card from the desktop PC and install the card into
the 700 Series Computer.
9Perform a cold-boot on the 700 Series Computer. Files automatically
install from the storage card upon reboot. Any calls to the
RegFlushKey() API automatically writes the registr y toth e appropriate
Note: Both the warm-boot and the cold-boot procedures, via the software
API, also flushesthe registry.