ConfigurableSet tingsAppendix —A
326 700Series Color MobileComputer User’s Manual
Code93 User IDIf “1” was selected in the Symbology ID parameter, you can setyour own
ASCII character toidentify Code 93 bar code data. Note that this is not
available when you use an imager with your 700 Color Computer.
Action: Tap (+) to expand the Symbology ID parameter, select the Code 93 user
ID parameter,then enter a user ID value to change this parameter setting.
Options: xwhere xis a singleASCII character. Default is asterisk (*).
Interleaved 2 of 5 User IDIf “1” was selected in the Symbology ID parameter, you can setyour own
ASCII character to identify Interleaved 2 of 5 bar code data. Note that this
is not availablewhen you use an imager with your 700 Color Computer.
Action: Tap (+) to expand the Symbology ID parameter, select the Interleaved2
of 5 user ID parameter,then enter a user ID value to change this parame-
ter setting.
Options: xwhere xis a single ASCII character. Default is I (not lowercase L).
PDF417User IDIf “1” was selected in the Symbology ID parameter, you can setyour own
ASCII character to identify PDF417bar code data. Note that this is not
available when you use an imager with your 700 Color Computer.
Action: Tap (+) to expand the Symbology ID parameter, select the PDF417user
ID parameter,then enter a user ID value to change this parameter setting.
Options: xwhere xis a singleASCII character. Default is an asterisk (*).
MSIUser IDIf “1” was selected in the Symbology ID parameter, you can setyour own
ASCII character to identify MSI bar code data. Note that this is not avail-
able when you use an imager with your 700 Color Computer.
Action: Tap (+) to expand the Symbology ID parameter, select the MSI user ID
parameter,then enter a user ID value to change this parameter setting.
Options: xwhere xis a singleASCII character. Default is D.