WindowsMobile 2003—Chapter 2
47700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Addinga P rogramto theStart Men uTap Start >Settings >Menus >theStart Menu tab, and then the check
box for the program. If you do not see the program listed, you can either
Start Menu folder, or use ActiveSync on the desktop to create a shortcut
to the program and place the shortcut in the Start Menu folder.
UsingFile Explo rer on the 700 Color Computer
Tap Start >Programs >File Explorer, and locate the program (tap the
folder list, labeledMy Documents by def ault, and then My Device to see a
list of all folders on the 700 Color Computer) . Tap and hold the program
and tap Cut on the pop-up menu. Open the Start Menu folder located in
the Windows folder, tap and hold a blank area of the window, and tap
Paste on the pop-up menu. The program now appears on the Start menu.
For more information on using File Explorer, see “Finding and Organizing
Information” on page 44.
UsingActiveSyn c on the desktop
Use the Explorer in ActiveSync to explore your 700 Color Computer files
and locate the program. Right-click the program, and then click Create
Shortcut. Move the shortcut to the Start Menu folder in the Windows
folder. The shortcutnow appears on the Start menu. For more informa-
tion, see ActiveSync Help.
Removing ProgramsTap Start >Settings >theSystem tab > Remove Programs.
If the program does not appear in the list of installed programs, use File
Explorer on your 700 Color Computer to locate the program, tap and
hold the program, and then tap Delete on the pop-up menu.