WindowsMobile 2003Chapter —2
108 700Series Color MobileComputer User’s Manual
Note: The following informationapplies when you have “Wireless
802.11” selected via the NDISTRAY pop-up menu (see page134).
Creatinga Wireless Network ConnectionMicrosoft Corporation’s wireless network conf iguration tool is called
“Wireless Zero Config.”Intermec Technologies recommends that you use
the Wireless Networkcontrol panel applet instead as it offers more security
choices and exhibit better roaming behavi or. Information about the Wire-
less Network control panel applet is in Appendix A.
Networksalready configured are preferred networks and are listed in
Wireless networks.You can connect to only preferred networks or search
for and connect to any available network.
A wireless network canbe added either when the network is detected, or
manually by entering settings information. To determine if authe ntication
information is needed,see your network administrator.
1Tap Start >Settings >theConnections tab>theConnections icon.