WindowsMobile 2003—Chapter 2
75700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Notes: Capturing Thoughts and IdeasTo switch to Notes on your 700 Color Computer, tap Start >Notes.
Notes helps you quickly capture your ideas, notes, and thoughts. You can
create a note using written and typed text, draw ings, and recordings. You
can alsoshare your notes with others through e-mail, infrared, and syn-
chronization with your desktop.
Tapto change the sort
orderof the list.
Tapto create a new item.
playa recording.
Tapand hold to display a
pop-upmenu of actions.
Tapto record.
Tapto show or hide the Recording toolbar.
Note: To create documents with advanced formatting or te mplates, such
device, such as Pocket Word.
Creating a Note
To create your note, tap New,thenwrite,draw,type,orrecordyourin-
formation. For information about using the input pane l, writing and dra-
wing, and creating recordings, see “Basic Skills” on page 30.
Using thestylus, write directly on the screen.
Using the stylus,draw directly on the screen.
Using the input panel,enter typed text into the 700 Color Computer.
Do this by tapping keys on the onscreen keyboard or by u sing hand-
writing recognition software.
Create a stand-alonerecording or embed a recording into a note.