6 ScannerSupport—Chapter
213700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Tethered ScannersThe Intermec Tethered Scannerfeature allows Automatic Data Collection
(ADC) by accepting datafr omthe COM 1 portand wedging it into the
keyboard interface. You can enable or disable this feature f rom the Today
screen on the 700 Color Computer.
The following informationis divided between units with PSM Builds old-
er than 3.00 (next paragraph) or units with PSM Builds 3.00 or newer
(starting on page 218).
ForUnits With PSM Builds Older than 3.00
Enablingand Disabling
On the 700 Color Computer, tap Start >Today. Tap the bar code scan-
nericonintheSystemTray(circledbelow). Initially, the bar code scanner
icon indicates thatthis feature is disabled (shown to the left).
SSelect Comm Port Wedge to send any data, coming into the 700 Color
Computer throughthe COM1 port from an external input device, as
keyboard data to an application on the desktop.
For example, if you have Pocket Word running on your 700 Color
Computer desktop, information scanned with a scanner connected to
the COM1 port appears in the Word document. If another data collec-
tion application is running and is active on the 700 Color Computer,
the scanned information appears in that application.
Note: When Comm Port Wedgeis selected, regardless of the data sent
by the external input device, you cannot control the device or the data
format using any of the Intermec scanner control or data transfer APIs
from the Data Collection Resource Kit from the IDL or the inter nal
Data Collectionsoftware. The external input device is governedby what
software it has onboard to tell it how to scan, take pictu res, or send the
data elsewhere.