ProgrammingChapter —7
254 700Series Color MobileComputer User’s Manual
IDField Values (contin ued)
This IOCTLreads the state of the Bluetooth radio installed flag. A BOOLEAN DWORD is returned in the buffer
pointed to by lpOutBuffer. TRUE indicates that the Bluetooth radio is installed. FALSE indicates that noBluetooth
radioi s installed.
This IOCTLreads the state of the serial 2 (COM2) device installed flag. A BOOLEAN DWORD is returned in the
buffer pointed to by lpOutBuffer. TRUE indicates that the serial 2 device is installed. FALSE indicates that nose rial
2 deviceis installed.
This IOCTLreads the state of the vibrate device installed flag. A BOOLEAN DWORD is returned in the buffer
pointed to by lpOutBuffer. TRUE indicates that the vibrate device is installed. FALSE indicates that no vibrate
device is installed.
This IOCTLreads the s tate ofthe Eth ernet deviceins talledflag. A BOOLEAN DWORD is returned in the buffer
pointed to by lpOutBuffer. TRUE indicates that the Ethernet device is installed. FALSE indicates that no Ethernet
device is installed.
This IOCTLreads the s tate ofthe SIM card protection hardware installed flag. A BOOLEAN DWORD is returned
in the buffer pointed to by lpOutBuffer. TRUE indicates that the SIM card protectionhardware is installed. FALSE
indicates that noS IMcard protection hardware is installed.
This IOCTLreads the s tate ofthe SIM card protection software installed flag. A BOOLEAN DWORD is returned
in the buffer pointed to by lpOutBuffer. TRUE indicates that the SIM card protectionsoftware is installed. FALSE
indicates thatno SIM card protection software is installed.
This IOCTLreads the s tate ofthe SIM card protection software installed flag. A BOOLEAN DWORD is returned
in the buffer pointed to by lpOutBuffer. TRUE indicates that the SIM card protectionsoftware is installed. FALSE
indicates thatno SIM card protection software is installed.