ConfigurableSet tingsAppendix —A
393700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Other Configurable ParametersThe followingparameters can be configured by sending reader commands
through the network or from an application. See “Using Reader Com-
mands” on page 394 for more information.
ReaderCommand Description Options
Audio Volume Changes the volume of allau diosignals. 0 Off
1 Veryquiet
Automatic Shutoff Sets the length of time the 700 ColorComputer re-
mainson when there is no activity. When you turn on
the 700 ColorComputer, it eith er resumes exactly
where it was when you t urned it off or boots and restarts
3 3 minutes (default)
Backlight Timeout Sets the length of time thatthe display backlight re-
mainson. If you set a longer timeout value, you use the
battery powerat a faster rate .
10 10 seconds
30 30 seconds
60 1 minute (default)
120 2 minutes
180 3 minutes
240 4 minutes
300 5 minutes
Date/Time Sets the current date and time. Date Year 0000–9999 (1999)
Month 1–12(6)
Day 1–31 (1)
Time Hour 0–23 (0)
Minute 0–59 (00)
Second 0–59(00)
Key Clicks Enables or disablesth e keypadclicks. The 700 Color
Computeremits a click each time you press a key or
decode a row of a two-dimensional symbology.
0 Disable clicks
2 Enableloud key clicks (default)