ConfigurableSet tingsAppendix —A
393700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Other Configurable Parameters

The followingparameters can be configured by sending reader commands

through the network or from an application. See “Using Reader Com-

mands” on page 394 for more information.

ReaderCommand Description Options
Audio Volume Changes the volume of allau diosignals. 0 Off
1 Veryquiet
Automatic Shutoff Sets the length of time the 700 ColorComputer re-
mainson when there is no activity. When you turn on
the 700 ColorComputer, it eith er resumes exactly
where it was when you t urned it off or boots and restarts
3 3 minutes (default)
Backlight Timeout Sets the length of time thatthe display backlight re-
mainson. If you set a longer timeout value, you use the
battery powerat a faster rate .
10 10 seconds
30 30 seconds
60 1 minute (default)
120 2 minutes
180 3 minutes
240 4 minutes
300 5 minutes
Date/Time Sets the current date and time. Date Year 0000–9999 (1999)
Month 1–12(6)
Day 1–31 (1)
Time Hour 0–23 (0)
Minute 0–59 (00)
Second 0–59(00)
Key Clicks Enables or disablesth e keypadclicks. The 700 Color
Computeremits a click each time you press a key or
decode a row of a two-dimensional symbology.
0 Disable clicks
2 Enableloud key clicks (default)