Programming—Chapter 7
267700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
The API provided by Intermec Technologiesexposes a limited set of rou-
tines that allows a programmer to access and affect the 802.11b or
802.11b/g network interface card from within their application. The rou-
tines providedalso reads/writes values to the CE registry that pertainto the
802.11b or 802.11b/g radio driver. By using the provided functions, a
programmer can alter the 802.11b or 802.11b/g parametersof Network
management modes. A programmer can also retrieve networ k connect sta-
tus and signal strength indication from the RF networ k card.
The API is contained within the 80211API.DLL file that should be pres-
ent in any load with the 802.11b or 802.11b/g networking installed.
This file is the 802.11b or 802.11b/g driver. It is present in all700 CE loads that use the
802.11b or 802.11b/g network interface card.
80211API.DLL This file is an Intermec authored filethat provides the programmer with a set of API calls to
configure or monitors tatus of the 802.11b or 802.11b/g network.
MOD80211.DLL The CORE module forthe 802. 11NIC. It provides the 802.11b or 802.11b/g status informa-
tion displayedw hen the CORE application is running.
80211CONF.EXE This is the “Control Panel” for configuring the 802.11b or 802.11b/g network parameters.
Note that it is an EXE file and is actually calledby CPL802.CPL (see below). It is also called
by the CORE applicationwhen the “Configuration” button is pressed.
CPL802.CPL A control panel application that does not hing but call 80211CONF.EXE .
80211SCAN.EXE Internally manages the Scan List activity.
802PM.DLL This handles profile management for radio configurable values.
URODDSVC.EXE Thishandles radio configuration and security authentication based on a selected profile.
The Profile Manager supports up to four radio configurationprofiles.
panel applet that runs on the Windows CE unit. You can configure
different 802.11b or 802.11b/g profiles and switch between them using
the 802.11 API. See the ConfigureProfile() function on page 283 for more