WindowsMobile 2003Chapter —2
62 700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Findingan Appointment
There are two ways to find an appointment:
STap Start >Find, enter theappointment name, tap the Type arrow and
select Calendar from the drop-down list, and then tap Go.
SIn the calendar, tap Tools >Categories and select the type of appoint-
ment you want displayed. To show all appointments again, tap Tools >
Categoriesand clear all cate gories.
Tapthis to select from a drop-down
listor enter a phrase.
Tapthis for a drop-down listof
areaswhere to search this phrase.
Tapthese to see details.
Note: In Find, you can tap the Find arrowto select from a list of items of
previously searcheditems or phrases.
Deletingan Appointment
1In the calendar, tap and hold the appointment.
2On the pop-up menu, tap Delete Appointment.Thenexttimeyou
synchronize, the appointmentis also deleted from the desktop.