ProgrammingChapter 7
249700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
The default is to start the FTP Server atboot time, unless the following
registry entry is defined andset to “0” which disables AutoFTP. “1” en-
menu by selecting either AutoFTP On or AutoFTP Off.
These new entries are locatedbelow the selections to load the network
drivers. If the StartupIFTPregistry key is not defined, the FTP Server is
loaded by default, to provide “out-of-the-box” capability f or customers
who want to begin loadingfiles to the 700 Color Computer without any
prior configuration.
Note: If a network driver is unloaded using the NDISTRAY popup menu ,
and the FTP Server is running, the FTP Se rver is stopped.
On a resume, if AutoFTP is enabled and the FTP Server is running,it is
stopped and restarted. NDISTRAY uses a helper applicati on named RESE-
TIFTP to implement the restart on resume featu re.
Todo an AutoFTP InstallationCheck:
1Ensure the FTP Server is running “out-of-the-box” the f irst time.
2Tap Start >Today to access the Today screen, then tap the antenna
icon in the System Tray to bring up the NDISTRAY pop-up menu.
Select AutoFTP Off to disable AutoFTP. Do a warm boot and confirm
the FTP Server is not running.
3Tap Start >Today to access the Today screen, then tap the antenna
icon in the System Tray to bring up the NDISTRAY pop-up menu.
Select AutoFTP On to enable AutoFTP, reboot,confirm it is running.
4Unloadthe network driver when the FTP Server is running and con-
firm that it is not running any more.
5Load the FTP Server, establish a connection, then su spend and resume.
The server should still run, but the FTP connection to the client should
be dropped.