ProgrammingChapter 7
245700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
TransferringF iles Over TCP/IP Networks
The File Transfer Protocol(FTP) server transfers files over TCP/IP net-
works. The FTPDCE.EXE program is a version that does not display a
window,but can run in the background.
FTPDCE is the Internet File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server process. The
server can be invoked from an applicationor command line. Besides ser-
vicing FTP client requests, the FTP Server also se nds a “network an-
nouncement” tonotify prospective clients of server availability.


The FTP Server currentlysupports the following FTP requests:
CDUP Changes to the parent directory of the current working directory.
CWD Changes working directory.
DELE Deletes a file.
HELP Gives help information.
LIST (This FTP request is the same as the ls -lgAcommand). Gives list files in a directory.
MKD Makes a directory.
MODE (AlwaysUsesBinary).Specifiesdata transfer mode.
NLST (Notsupported) Givesanamelistoffilesindirectory(thisFTPrequestisthesameasthels command).
NOOP Does nothing.
PASS Specifies a password.
PWD Prints the current working directory.
QUIT Terminatessession.
RETR Retrieves a file.
RMD Removes a directory.
RNFR Specifies rename-fromfile name.
RNTO Specifies rename-tofile name.
STOR Storesa file.
SYST Shows the operating system type of serve r system.
TYPE (Binary transfers only.) Specifies the data transfer type with the Type parameter.
USER Specifies user name.
XCUP (Not Normally Used) Changes the parent directory of the current working directory.
XCWD (Not Normally Used) Changes the current directory.
XMKD (Not Normally Used) Creates a direct ory.
XPWD (Not Normally Used) Prints the current working directory.
XRMD (Not Normally Used) Removes a directory.