IntroductionChapter 1
9700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Selecta Beeper Volume
Note: The 730 Computer does not support the laser scanner.
To determine your PSM Build version, tap Start >Programs >File Ex-
plorer >theFlash File Store folder> the PSMinfo tex t file.
ForUnits With PSM Builds Older than 3.00
Do the following to select a beeper volume. 700 Color Computers bu ilt
with a laser scannerhave three options: Off, High, or Medium. 700
Computers builtwith an imager have just two: Beeper or Vibrate. 730
Computershave just the Beeper opti on. See Appendix A, “Configurable
Settings,” for more information about the Beeper V olume or Beeper
1Tap Start >Settings >theSystem tab>theDataCollection icon to
access its control panel applet.
2Use the rightand left arrows to scroll to the Beeper/LED tab, then tap
this tab.
3For units with laser scanners:
Tap Beeper Volume, select an option, then tap Apply to change the set-
For units with imagers:
Select either option,then tap Apply to change the setti ng. For 730 Com-
puters, the Vibrate option is not supported.
4Tap ok to confirm this change, then tap ok to exit the Data C ollection
control panelapplet.
700Color with Imager Screen 730Screen
700Color with Laser Scanner