NetworkSupportChapter —4
150 700Series Color MobileComputer User’s Manual
Use the Toolsmenu to send a voice mail, access the Activation Wizard,
send an SMS email message, or configure phone settings.
STap Tools >VoiceMail to call and leave a voice message.
STap Tools >Activation Wizard to access the wizard with which to acti-
vate your 761Computer. Be sure to have an activation code, a phone
number, and MSIDinformation ready. See page 144 for instructions on
using this wizard.
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STap Tools >Send SMS tab to access the Inbox application and send an
SMS (Short Messaging Service) message. Be sure to have an SMS nu m-
ber ready to send the message — this is usually the mobile phone num-
ber. See Chapter 2, “Windows Mobile 2003,” for the Inbox information.