NetworkSupportChapter 4
163700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Via Microsoft ActiveSync
You can transferfiles from your desktop to your 760 Computer via Micro-
soft ActiveSync. See Chapter 2, “Windows Mobile 2003” for more infor-
mation about ActiveSync.
1Obtain software from the Intermec web site as described earlie r. Down-
load the software to any location on your 760 Computer, su ch as the
Temp foldervia the My Device root locati on.
2Tap the carrier CAB file toinstall the application.
3Go to “Finishing the Installation” on page 164.
Via a CompactFlash or Secure Digital Storage Card
Note: These instructions are based on default locations. You c an change
the location to which to copy your CAB files.
1Make sure the Registry Restore feature on your 760 C omputer is dis-
abled. Select Start >Settings >theSystem tab. Tap the Utilities desk-
top icon, then the Registry Save tab. Clear the Enable Registry Save
2Copy the CAB files for your carrier to your CompactFlash or Secure
Digital storage card after downloading it from the web site.
3Cold-boot your 760 Computer. Remove the battery pack and press the
reset button in the bottom of the battery compartment.
4Go through the normal getting started steps detailed in y our 700 Color
CDMA Radio Setup Quick Start Guide.
5Install the CompactFlash or Secure Digital memory card into the card
slot in your760 Computer. Note that if you do not w ant the CAB files
erased after installation, set the CAB file attributes to “read-only” after copy-
ing them to the storagecard.