ConfigurableSet tingsAppendix —A
395700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Set Time and DateThis command sets the date and time on the 700 Color Computer. The
default date and time is June 1, 1999 at 12:00 AM.
From the network,send the following:
/+ yyyymmddhhmmss
where acceptablevalues for the date are:
yyyy 0000–9999 Year
mm 01–12 Month of the year
dd 01–31 Day of the month
hh 00–23 Hour
mm 00–59 Minutes
ss 00–59 Seconds
You can also set the time and date by using Configuration Management in
Unit Manager, or by using the Clock control panel apple t in the Settings
menu. To access this control panel applet, tap Start >Settings >the
System tab>theClock icon to access its control panel applet.