ConfigurableSet tingsAppendix —A
373700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Configuring Your Wireless Network
To start 802.11b or 802.11b/g communications on the 700 Color
Computer, tapStart
Settings >theSystem tab > Wireless Network to
access the Profile Wizard for the 802.11b or 802.11b/g radio module.
A profile contains all the information necessary to authenticate you to the
network, such as login name, password or certificate, and protocols by
which you are authenticated.
You can haveup to four profiles for different networks.For example, you
may have different login names or passwords on diff erent networks, or you
may use a password on one network, and a certificate on another.
Use the Profilespage to select and configure between the networking envi-
ronments assigned to this 802.11b or 802.11b/g radio.
Tap the drop-down list to choose between four dif ferent profiles as-
signed to this unit, then tap Edit Select Profile, make the changes need-
ed for this profile(starting on the next page),thentapOKto return to
the Profiles page.
SEnable Microsoft’s Wireless Zero Con fig
Check this box to enableMicrosoft’s Wireless Zero Config application.
This effectively disables the Intermec software solution for 802.11b or
802.11b/g, including configuration via the CORE application and the
Wireless Network control panel applet.