WindowsMobile 2003—Chapter 2
41700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Drawingon the ScreenYou can draw on the screen in the same way that you write on the screen.
The difference between writing and drawingon the screen is how you se-
lect items andhow they are edited. For example, you can resize selected
drawings, while you cannot resize writing.
Creatinga Drawing
SCross three ruled lines on your first stroke. A drawing box appears. Su b-
sequent strokes in or touching the drawing box become part of the dra-
wing. Drawingsthat do not cross three ruled lines are treated as writing.
Thedrawing box indicates
theboundaries of the
Note: You may want to change the zoom level so that you can more easily
work on or view your drawing. Tap Tools and then a zoom level.
Selectinga Drawing
STap and hold the stylus on the drawing until the selection handle ap-
pears. To select multiple drawings, deselect the Pen icon and then drag
to select the drawings you want.
You can cut, copy, and paste selected drawings by tapping and h olding the
selected drawingand then tapping an editing command on the pop-up
menu, or by tapping the command on the Edit menu. To resize a drawing,
make sure the Pen icon is not selected, and drag a selectionhandle.