WindowsMobile 2003Chapter —2
36 700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
If you want to use largerkeys, tap the input panel arrow, tap Options,se-
lect “Keyboard” from the Input method drop-down list, then select Large
UsingBlock Recognizer
Character recognition software gives you a fast and easy method for enter-
ing information in any program on your 700 Color Computer . Letters,
numbers, and punctuation you write are tr anslated into typed text.
Tap the input panel arrow, then tap Block Recognizer.Wri te a letter in
the box. When you write a letter, it is converted to typed tex t that appears
on the screen.
For specific instructions on using Block Recognizer, w ith Block Recogniz-
er open, tap thequestion mark next to the writing area.
Tapfor assistance.