NetworkSupport—Chapter 4
139700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
IP Providesthe IP address which can be set as either DHCP (Dynamic Host ConfigurationProtocol)
or statically.
Link Indicates the speed at which a connectionis made, the data rate of the last transmitted packet.
Power Indicates the power status of this 802.11b profile, such as “CAM,” “Auto,” or “PSP.”
Signal Identifiesthe radio signal strength (in dBm) of signals coming from an access point.
TX Power Shows the transmit power (in milliwatts)at which trans missions are made.
This displays an active history of this radio module’s connection qu ality.
This indicates the general quality of the 802.11b or 802.11b/g connection.
Three filled dots indicates the best quality; two filled dots dictates good
quality; one filleddot is of fair quality; and when all three dots are empty,
the quality is consideredpoor. When this icon appears with a red line, the
radio is disconnected or nearly so from the access point.
802.11CF CORE - Ge neral 802.11CR CORE - D etails
DetailsBelow are descriptions and meanings for each piece of infor mation pro-
vided via the Details tab. Note the information is listed alphabetically.
Attach-RoamCnt Includesthe number of new associations madeduring the current session, due to roaming. The
number is reset on suspend/resume cycles.
CCX Status Statesthe status of the CCX features, either enabled or disabled.
DesiredSSID Identifiesthe preferred Service Set Identifier (SSID).
DriverName Identifies the 802.11b or 802.11b/g driver installed on this 700 Color Computer.
Last5 Supp Msgs Monitors andre portsthe 802.11 Se curityS upplicantactivity.
Scanlist Indicateswhether the Scan List option was enabled or disabled.
Supplicant Status Monitorsthe 802.11 s ecurity activity on the client: “Running” or “Stopped.”