WindowsMobile 2003Chapter —2
88 700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
1Set up a connection on your 700 Color Computer, suc h as a modem or
wireless connection, that enables you to connect to the Internet.
3Sign in to MSN Messenger.
Note: To set up a free Hotmail account, go to
To set up a Microsoft Passport account, go to
To set up an Exchange account, see your network administrator.
For more information on using MSN Messenger, tap Start >Help >MSN
Messenger to see MSN Messenger Help.
To switch to MSN Messenger, tap Start >Programs >MSN Messenger.
Setting Up an Account
Before you can use MSN Messenger, you mu st set up the instant messag-
ing accountsto use. For MSN Messenger Service, you must have a Micro-
soft Passport or Hotmail account. For Exchange Instant Messaging, you
must have an Exchange account.
1Create a connectionfor your device. To use MSN Messenger Service,
set up a connection to the Internet; to use Exchange Instant Messaging,
set up a connection to your corporate network. See page 100 for more
information on getting connected.
2In MSN Messenger, tap Tools >Options >theAccounts tab.
3Select either Enable MSN Messenger Service,orEnableExchange In-
stant Messaging,orboth.
4Enter your sign-in name and password for the selecte d accounts. Your
name is usually in the form.
5If you selected both accounts, under Sign in using thisaccoun tfirst,
select which account to sign in to first.