Programming—Chapter 7
269700Series Color Mobile Computer User’sManual
Call this function to have the 802.11b or 802.11b/g radio disassociate
from the currentservice set. The radio then enters an “off” modeuntil it is
woken again by setting the Service Set Identifier (SSID) . Also, the NDIS
driver generates an NDIS mediadisconnect event.
Syntax UINT RadioDisassociate( );
Parameters None.
Return Values ERROR_SUCCESSwhen successful, otherwise
Remarks None.
Definitions #ifdef DYNAMIC_LOADING
typedef UINT (*PFN_RadioDisassociate)();
UINT RadioDisassociate();
Query Information FunctionsGetAssociationStatus()
Call this function to obtain the radio’s current associ ation status with a
service set.
Syntax UINT GetAssociationStatus( ULONG &);
Parameters NDIS_RADIO_ASSOCIATED Indicates the radio is associated with an access point
NDIS_RADIO_SCANNING Indicatesthe radio is looking for an access point with which
Return Values ERROR_SUCCESS when successful, ERR_QUERY_FAILED when th e query failed, or
ERR_CONNECT_FAILED if a connection with t he radio failed.
Remarks Data is onlyvalid if the functi onretu rns ERROR_SUCCESS. Also, if ERROR_SUCCESS is re-
turned, your ULONGreference is populated by one of the parameters listed above.
Definitions #ifdef DYNAMIC_LOADING
typedef UINT (*PFN_GetAssociationStatus)(ULONG &);
UINT GetAssociationStatus(ULONG &);