Using PageScope Web Connection
Item | Description |
More Printer Infor- | Type in printer information for the manufacturer. (maximum 127 charac- |
mation — Manu- | ters) |
facturer |
Operations Sup- | Select the print operations supported by IPP. |
ported |
Document Format | Select the formats supported by IPP. |
Supported |
Document Format | Select the format used by IPP. |
Message from Op- | Type in the message from the administrator. (maximum 127 characters) |
erator |
The setting is only displayed. | |
ported |
To change the settings on the Network tab, click the [Apply] button, and then, after “Updated Successful” appears, click the [Reset] button on the page that appears after clicking “NIC and Printer Controller Reset” in the menu under “Maintenance” on the System tab; otherwise, the changes to the settings will not be applied.