Network printing
If network printing cannot be performed, check for the following.
| Problem |
| Cause | Remedy |
1 | Did the machine re- | Yes | A machine error (out of pa- | Check the machine status |
| ceive the print job? |
| per, out of toner, etc.) oc- | and correct the error. |
| curred. |
| No | The data has not been re- | Continue with 2. |
| ceived. |
2 | Is there a response | Yes | The print destination port | Specify the correct port. |
| from pinging sent |
| setting is incorrect. |
| from the computer to |
| The computer is temporar- | Restart the computer. | |
| the controller? |
| ||
| ily malfunctioning. |
| The printer driver is not in- | Follow the procedure to |
| stalled correctly. | correctly uninstall, then re- |
| install the printer driver. |
| No | The machine is temporarily | Restart the machine. |
| malfunctioning. |
| The network cable is dis- | Correctly connect the ca- |
| connected or the relay de- | ble, or restart or replace the |
| vice is faulty. | relay device. |
| The IP address and/or sub- | Specify the correct IP ad- |
| net mask is incorrectly | dress and subnet mask. |
| specified. |
Scan to |
Problem | Cause | Remedy | Page refer- |
| ence |
Transmission is not | The connections are incor- | Check the indicators on the | — |
possible. | rect. | hub and check the connec- |
| tions. |
| The settings necessary for | Specify the necessary net- | p. |
| the device are not regis- | work settings. |
| tered. |
| The LAN cable is damaged. | Replace the LAN cable. | — |