using Fax feature without a computer 19
using the computer 128 using the control panel 127
using the Phone Number Search 125 while listening to call 129
faxing without a computer setup instructions 19
FCC notices 187, 190 finding
information 11 MAC address 31 publications 11 Web site 11
flash drive inserting 99 printing files from 91
forwarding a fax 131
glossy paper, loading 78 graphics, editing 70 greeting cards
loading 78 printing 94
Group Dial setting up 132 using 127
using the Phone Book 133 Group Search
using when faxing 126
hardware error 1208 175 heavyweight matte paper, loading 78 How To tab 68
improving copy quality 154 improving fax quality 154 improving photo quality 154 improving print quality 144 improving scan quality 154 incorrect language appears on display 149
index cards loading 78 printing 94
information, finding 11
ink levels, checking 62, 67 ink, ordering 67 inserting
Bluetooth adapter 110, 111 flash drives 99
memory cards 98
network printer 30 print cartridges 142 printer on a network 28 printer software 185 software and sharing printer on network 29
Tray 2 (optional) 16
invalid paper type 175 IP address, assigning 30
jams and misfeeds troubleshooting banner paper jams 173
paper jam in small media feeder 170 paper jam in the Automatic Document Feeder 167
paper jam in the duplex unit 168 paper jam in the printer 166 paper jam in Tray1 or Tray2 169 paper or specialty media misfeeds 172
printer does not feed paper, envelopes, or specialty media 173
junk faxes, blocking 140
labels, loading 78
landscape orientation, selecting 69 language
changing 149 last page first 92 layout, selecting 69
left cartridge missing 179 letterhead paper, loading 78 LINE port 36
banner paper 78
cards in small media feeder 81
envelopes in small media feeder 81 envelopes in Tray 1 76
glossy paper 78 greeting cards 78 heavyweight matte paper 78 index cards 78
photo cards in Tray 1 76 photo paper 78
photos on the scanner glass 86 postcards 78 transparencies 78
various paper types in Tray 1 78
MAC address, finding 31 magazine articles, loading on the scanner glass 86 Maintain/Troubleshoot
button 65 link 67
maintenance menu 62 Maintenance tab 68
maintenance tasks, performing 62 Manage Documents button 64 Manage Photos button 64 memory card
inserting 98
printing files from 91
memory card cannot be inserted 174 memory card slots 33
memory card troubleshooting memory card cannot be inserted 174 nothing happens when memory card is inserted 174
moving the printer precautions 147
removing from Tray 2 base 147
Name Search
using when faxing 126 network printer
installing 28, 30
installing on additional computers 28 network scanning 122
Network Setup submenu 60 network troubleshooting
cannot print to network printer 32 printer to be configured does not appear in list of printers found on network 32
networking 28 installing printer 28 methods for 28
using Ethernet connection 29 using the
newspapers, loading on the scanner glass 86
no answer error 182 noise emission levels 189
nothing happens when memory card is inserted 174
notices 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192
OCR, editing document text 121 On Hook Dial
using 125
On Hook Dial feature 129 Online Tutorial button 65 ordering supplies 147 orientation, changing
landscape 69 portrait 69
out of memory 176
page does not print 152 paper
loading in Tray 1 74 loading in Tray 2 82
paper exit tray 33