-Transmit: Shows the workform’s transmit module name. If two or more modules are added in transmit workform, this column displays Multi without any icon.
-Properties: Shows the workform’s perperties.
-Create: Creates a new private workform.
-Delete: Deletes the selected workform.
-Edit: Lets you to modify a workform.
-Detail: Shows detailed workform information.
-Search: Searches a workform with a workform name.
-Task: Imports a workform from USB, export a workform to USB, copy or move a workform to public workform. It also makes a shortcut in favorite workform tab by clicking Set to Favorite WF or removes the shortcut by clicking Set to Normal WF.
-Execute: Start the job defined in the workform.
Workform Creating Screen
You can create a new workform. To add a new workform, press Create on the My Workform or Public Workform tab.
You can create maximum 100 workforms.
Input Tab
-Input: Shows the workform’s input module name.
-Status: shows the setting status. To create a workform, you have to set every mandatory items of the assigned input module.
After you do fill out all mandatory items, the Save & Execute and Save button are enabled.
-Settings: Configures the setting values for the module.
-Next: Goes to the next tab.
Transmit Tab
-Transmit: Shows the workform’s transmit module name.
-Status: shows the setting status. To create a workform, you have to set every mandatory items of every assigned transmit modules.
After you do fill out all mandatory items, the Save & Execute and Save button are enabled.
- Add Module: Add transmit module(s).
Before you add module, make sure that the parameters are correctly configured for each module.
•Fax: See page 6.1.
•Email, Server: See page 7.7.
-Delete: Deletes the selected module.
-Settings: Configures the setting values for the module.
-Previous: Goes to the next tab.
-Next: Goes to the next tab.
Properties Tab
-Workform Name: Sets the workform name.
-Delay Start: Schedule the start date and time to start.
-Expired: Sets the expire date.
-Secured: Locks the workform with password protection.
-Previous: Goes to the next tab.
11.2 <Using Standard Workflow>