11-5 Communication Command Description

(18)@MOVM <pallet work position>,<speed>

Moves the robot to a specified pallet work position at a specified speed.

Pallet work position

: The pallet work position is a number used to identify each point


on a matrix, and can be from 1 to 65025 (=255 255). The


counter array variable C or counter variable D can also be used.


: The speed can be set to any level between 1 and 100. If PRM30


(Maximum program speed) is 100, then 100 will be equal to 2000


mm/sec (when PRM44=2000).


Transmission example

: @MOVM 5,100 c/r l/f


When a 4 3 matrix is




defined, the robot moves to the




point at "row 2, column 2" at




100% speed.

Response example 1

: OK c/r l/f



Response example 2

: NG c/r l/f

Data error. The specified pallet


23: data error

c/r l/f

work position is outside the






The MOVM statement performs calculation on the assumption that the robot operates on the Cartesian coordinate system.

Because only a single-axis robot is controlled with the SRCP, the actual movement is linear even if a 2- dimensional matrix is defined.




(19)@MAT <number of rows>,<number of columns>,<pallet number>

Defines a matrix.

Number of rows

: Set the number of rows from 1 to 255.

Number of columns

: Set the number of columns from 1 to 255.

Pallet number

: The pallet number is a number used to identify each matrix


(pallet) and can be from 0 to 31.


Transmission example

: @MAT 5,2,1 c/r l/f

Defines a matrix of 5 2 on



pallet number 1.

Response example

: OK c/r l/f



Because only a single-axis robot is controlled with the SRCP, the actual movement is linear even if a 2- dimensional matrix is defined.

(20)@MSEL <pallet number>

Specifies a matrix where the robot moves with a MOVM statement.

Pallet number

: The pallet number is a number used to identify each matrix


(pallet) and can be from 0 to 31.


Transmission example

: @MSEL 0 c/r l/f

Specifies pallet number 0.

Response example

: OK c/r l/f


Page 190
Image 190
Yamaha SRCP manual 18@MOVM pallet work position,speed, 20@MSEL pallet number