11-5 Communication Command Description

(26)@D+ [<addition value>]

Adds a specified value to the counter variable D.

Addition value

: This can be any value from 1 to 65535. If this value is omitted,


then 1 is added to the counter variable.

Transmission example

: @D+ c/r l/f

Increments the counter



variable D. (D D+1)

Response example

: OK c/r l/f




(27)@D- [<subtraction value>]

Subtracts a specified value from the counter variable D.


Subtraction value

: This can be any value from 1 to 65535. If this value is omitted,


then 1 is subtracted from the counter variable.

Transmission example

: @D- c/r l/f

Decrements the counter



variable D. (D D-1)

Response example

: OK c/r l/f


(28)@SHFT <point number>

Shifts the position data by an amount equal to the distance defined by a specified point number. The shifted data is valid until the SHFT statement is executed again or until the program is reset.

Point number

: This is a number used to identify each point (position data) and


can be from 0 to 999 (a total of 1,000 points). Data for the point


numbers can be edited with the @WRITE PNT statement. The


point variable P can also be used.

Transmission example : @SHFT 1 c/r l/f ............................ Shifts the point data by an


amount defined by point


number 1 and the shifted data


is used with the subsequent


movement commands.

Response example

: OK c/r l/f


When the program is reset, the shift data will be initialized to 0.00.

The SHFT statement affects MOVA, MOVF and MOVM, but does not affect MOVD and MOVI.


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Image 192
Yamaha SRCP manual 26@D+ addition value, 27@D- subtraction value, 28@SHFT point number