logging system messages to 627
no authentication 57
passwords 59
sessions, clearing 558
sessions, displaying 558
target 624
CLI 27
notice icons, About This Guide 23
text, About This Guide 24
CoS (class of service)
default 382
filtering by, in security ACLs 380
priority assigned 382
countermeasures 567
enabling 580
SNMP notifications 584
countermeasures, TKIP 287
configuring 292, 298
radio 262
See also statistics
country, specifying 213
critical logging level 624
Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard 417
current TTY session 624
database, local
clearing users from 59
mapping security ACLs to users in 494
date, configuring 124
daylight savings time, configuring 125
DEASSOCIATED user state, for roaming 161
debug logging level 625
default configuration, recovering the system 622
default IP address, Web Quick Start 40
delimiter characters, for user globs 30
delivery traffic indication map (DTIM) interval 242
Denial-of-Service (DoS) protection 584
destination, logging 623
DHCP client 104
DHCP option 43 182
DHCP server 663
diagnostics 631
digital certificates. See certificates
digital signatures 414
directory of 3Com resources 669
directory, displaying 602
display 28
password information 70
Distributed MAPs
AeroScout RFID tag support 323
configuring 177, 311
mapping security ACLs to 392
See also MAP (Managed Access Point)
DNS (Domain Name Service) 121, 661
client 121
domain name 122
servers 121
servers, displaying 122
domain name 122
Domain Name Service. See DNS (Domain Name
DoS attacks 585
dotted decimal notation, in IP addresses 29
double asterisks (**)
in user globs 30
in VLAN globs 32
wildcard 34
draft-congdon-radius-8021x-29.txt 651
DTIM (delivery traffic indication map) interval 242
dual homing 184
configuring 227
dynamic entries
ARP 131
FDB 96
Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) 571
dynamic security ACLs. See user-based security ACLs
dynamic tuning 311
dynamic WEP 533
EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol)
defined 434, 446
offload 449
pass-through authentication 450
RADIUS authentication 520
self-signed certificate 422
EAP-MD5 authentication protocol 446
EAPoL key messages 533
EAP-TLS authentication protocol 446
edit buffer
displaying 388
temporary storage for security ACLs 380
editing the command line 33
e-mail support 668
emergency logging level 624
enable password 56
changing 56
initial settings 55
enabled access 36
configuring 55