Line Access Restriction (#302)
This System Programming procedure restricts an extension from receiving and/or making outside calls on specific lines. For example, you may want a secretary to answer calls on a manager’s line, but not to make any outgoing calls on the line; in this case you can assign the manager’s line to the secretary’s extension and restrict it to In Only.
Related Features
■To prevent an extension from using a line, restrict the line even if it is not assigned to the extension, so it cannot be accessed using Direct Line Pickup. If an extension’s access to a line is set to No Access or In Only, the extension cannot place calls on that line, either by pressing the line button or by using Direct Line
■When a user has access to an outside line for outgoing calls, dialing restrictions can be customized for the user’s extension by using Outgoing Call Restriction (#401) and Disallowed Phone Number Lists (#404).
■This procedure is the most extreme way to restrict dialing. For example, an extension with a line set to In Only or No Access cannot select the line to dial out— even for numbers on the Emergency Phone Number List (#406). See “Dialing Restrictions and Permissions” in Chapter 2 for a summary of all dialing restrictions.
■Caller ID information does not display for ringing calls on lines programmed for Out Only or for No Access.
If a line is assigned to a phone, but is restricted to No Access, the line button lights show calling activity; but the line cannot be used to place or receive calls.
Valid Entries
1 = No Restriction (calls permitted on that line) ✔
2 = Out Only (can only make outside calls, not receive them, on that line) 3 = In Only (can only receive calls, not make them, on that line)
4 = No Access (cannot receive or make calls, but can join calls, receive transferred calls, or pick up calls on hold on that line)