Obtaining Technical Assistance
resolve technical issues with online support services, download and test software packages, and order Cisco learning materials and merchandise. Valuable online skill assessment, training, and certification programs are also available.
Customers and partners can
You can access CCO in the following ways:
Telnet: cco.cisco.com
•Modem using standard connection rates and the following terminal settings: VT100 emulation; 8 data bits; no parity; and 1 stop bit.
—From North America, call 408
—From Europe, call 33 1 64 46 40 82
You can
Technical Assistance Center
The Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) is available to warranty or maintenance contract customers who need technical assistance with a Cisco product that is under warranty or covered by a maintenance contract.
To display the TAC web site that includes links to technical support information and software upgrades and for requesting TAC support, use www.cisco.com/techsupport.
To contact by
Language |
English | tac@cisco.com |
Hanzi (Chinese) | |
Kanji (Japanese) | |
Hangul (Korean) | |
xxCisco 12008 Gigabit Switch Router Installation and Configuration Guide