Performing Other Configuration Tasks
Cisco 12008 Gigabit Switch Router Installation and Configuration Guide
An example of deleting the file fun1 from the current Flash memory directory follows:
Router# delete fun1
Router# dir
-#- -length- -----date/time------ name
1 4601977 May 10 1997 09:42:19 myfile1
6 679 May 10 1997 05:43:56 todays–config
Files that are deleted from the current Flash memory directory are marked as such, but they
still occupy space in the Flash memory directory.
To permanently remove deleted files from a Flash memory directory but leave undeleted
files intact, issue the squeeze device-name command at the privileged EXEC mode prompt,
where device-name can be slot0:, slot1:, or bootflash:.
The squeeze command permanently removes deleted files and makes all other undeleted
files contiguous, thus conserving storage space.
A sample squeeze command follows:
Router# squeeze slot0:
All deleted files will be removed, proceed? [confirm]
Squeeze operation may take a while, proceed? [confirm]
To prevent loss of data due to sudden power loss, the squeezed data is temporarily sa ved
to another Flash memory area reserved specifically for system use.
In the preceding command display output, the character e in the last line indicates that
the special Flash memory area has been erased. This erase operation must be accomplished
before any write operation to the special Flash memory area can begin.
The character b indicates that the data about to be written to the special Flash memory
area has been temporarily copied.
The character E signifies that the sector temporarily occupied by the data has been erased.
The character S signifies that the data has been written to its permanent location in Flash