Loading and Running Diagnostics
FD 2> ****************************************************
FD 2> GSR Field Diagnostics V3.0
FD 2> Compiled by award on Tue Aug 3 15:58:13 PDT 2000
FD 2> view:
FD 2> ****************************************************
FD 2> BFR_CARD_TYPE_OC48_1P_POS_TTM testing...
FD 2> running in slot 2 (73 tests)
Executing all diagnostic tests in slot 2 (total/indiv. timeout set to 600/220 sec.) FD 2> Verbosity now (0x00000001) TESTSDISP
FDIAG_STAT_IN_PROGRESS: test #1 R5K Internal Cache
FDIAG_STAT_IN_PROGRESS: test #2 Burst Operations
FDIAG_STAT_IN_PROGRESS: test #3 Subblock Ordering
FDIAG_STAT_IN_PROGRESS: test #4 Dram Marching Pattern
FDIAG_STAT_IN_PROGRESS: test #5 Dram Datapins
FDIAG_STAT_IN_PROGRESS: test #6 Dram Busfloat
Field Diagnostic ****PASSED**** for slot 2
Field Diag eeprom values: run 0 fail mode 0 (PASS) slot 2 last test failed was 0, error code 0
Shutting down diags in slot 2
Board will reload
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) GS Software
Compiled Fri
When you set the verbose option, most of the information returned by the diagnostic tests is status messages that indicate when tests start and when they are completed. At the end of the diagnostic tests, a message indicates whether the card passed or failed the tests.