Configuring the Cisco 12008
Step 5 When you have completed entering the configuration information for all of the installed line cards, the following configuration query is displayed:
Use this configuration? [yes/no]:
At this point, you should visually verify all of the configuration parameters displayed on your console terminal.
Answer yes if you want to save the running configuration file to NVRAM and display the following additional output:
Use this configuration? [yes/no]: yes
Use the enabled mode ‘configure’ command to modify this
Press RETURN to get started!
After you press Return, the system reverts to the user EXEC prompt:
Answer no to the configuration query to return to the privileged EXEC mode prompt (Router#). You must reissue the setup command and enter the appropriate RP and line card configuration information.
On completion of this procedure, you have manually configured the global system parameters and the network interface parameters using the setup facility or the setup command. Your Ethernet, POS, and ATM interfaces are now available for limited use.
If you wish to modify the currently saved configuration information (after you complete the preceding procedure), issue the setup command at the privileged EXEC mode prompt (Router#) at any time.
To perform more complex configuration tasks, you can enter the configure command at the privileged EXEC mode prompt (Router#), which establishes the global configuration mode [Router(config)#]. This mode is described in the section entitled “Using the Global Configuration Mode.”