Performing Other Configuration Tasks
The following assumptions apply for the Flash memory card copying procedures in this section:
•You have a formatted Flash memory card inserted in a PCMCIA slot in the RP.
•You know the name of the file you want to copy to the Flash memory card.
•You have a valid, bootable Cisco IOS software image stored in the onboard Flash memory SIMM, enabling you to start the router.
•The bootable Cisco IOS software image that you want to copy to the Flash memory card in the PCMCIA slot exists on a TFTP server somewhere in the network.
•You have access to the network TFTP server by means of a configured and fully functional network interface on your system.
To ensure access to the network TFTP server, you must configure one network interface using the setup command facility.
For instructions on using the TFTP facility, refer to the section entitled “Using the Setup Facility or the Setup Command.” You can also refer to the document entitled Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide.
To copy a bootable image onto a Flash memory card, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Boot the router and allow it to initialize.
Step 2 Issue the enable command at the user EXEC mode prompt to establish the privileged EXEC mode:
Router> enable
Step 3 Copy the file named new.image to the Flash memory card inserted in PCMCIA slot 0 by issuing the following command:
Router# copy tftp:new.image slot0:new.image
20575008 bytes available on device slot0, proceed? [confirm] Address or name of remote host []?
Loading new.image from (via Ethernet0):