logging 21, 281 attack log 284
configuring traffic settings 286, 287 deleting all messages 291 deleting log files 292 downloading log files 291
email filter log 285 enabling alert email 293 event log 284
filtering log messages 284 log to local 283
log to memory 284 log to remote host 282 log to WebTrends 282 recording 281 searching logs 289, 290 selecting what to log 284 traffic log 284
traffic sessions 286 update log 285 viewing logs 290 virus log 284
web filtering log 284 logs
maintaining 290
recording on FortiGate hard disk 283 recording on NetIQ WebTrends server 282 searching 290
viewing 290
MAC address 296 IP/MAC binding 193
maintaining logs 290 malicious scripts
removing from web pages 274, 280 management interface 138 management IP address
transparent mode 64 manual keys
introduction 210 matching
policy 177 maximum bandwidth 175 messages
replacement 163
FortiGate 163 mode
Transparent 18 monitor
system status 110, 111, 112, 113 monitored interfaces 250
MTU size 137 changing 137 definition 296
improving network performance 137
NAT introduction 17 policy option 174 push updates 120
NAT mode
adding policy 172 IP addresses 47
NAT/Route mode configuration from the CLI 47 HA 77
introduction 17 neighbor
RIP 153
administrator account 160, 161 network address translation
introduction 17 network connection
HA 80, 85
network intrusion detection 18
Network Intrusion Detection System 249 next hop router 136
NIDS 18, 249
attack prevention 253 detection 249 prevention 253 reducing alert email 257
reducing attack log messages 257
NTP 51, 64, 183, 296 NTP server 157
setting system date and time 157
operating mode changing 109
Outbound NAT encrypt policy 175
override serve adding 118, 119
oversized files and email blocking 266
log option 283
password adding 202
changing administrator account 161 Fortinet support 130
recovering a lost Fortinet support 128 PAT 190
administrator account 161
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