registering a FortiGate unit 131 route
adding default 143
adding to routing table 143
adding to routing table (Transparent mode) 145 destination 143
device 144
next hop 136 routing 296
adding static routes 143 configuring 143 configuring routing table 145 policy 146
routing table 296
adding default route 143 adding routes 143
adding routes (Transparent mode) 145 configuring 145
scanning antivirus 260
schedule 186 applying to policy 188
automatic antivirus and attack definition updates 117 creating
creating recurring 187
policy option 174 recurring 187
scheduled antivirus and attack updates 124
scheduled updates
through a proxy server 124 scheduling 117
script filter 275 example settings 274
removing from web pages 274, 280
searching logs 289, 290
logs saved to FortiGate hard disk 290 logs saved to memory 289
security question registration 130
serial number displaying 107
service 182 custom 184 group 185 policy option 174 predefined 182 service name 182
service contracts Forticare 125
service group adding 185
service name
traffic filter display 287 session
clearing 113 set time 157 setup wizard 46, 62
starting 46, 62 shutting down 110 signature threshold values 254 SMTP 184
configuring alert email 292 definition 296
SNMP configuring 162
contact information 162 definition 296
first trap receiver IP address 163 get community 162
MIBs 163
system location 162 trap community 163 traps 164
log search 291 policy option 173
squidGuard 271 SSH 139, 184, 297
SSL 295
service definition 183
starting IP PPTP 236, 242
static IP/MAC list 194 static NAT virtual IP 188
adding 189 static route
adding 143 status
IPSec VPN tunnel 233
viewing dialup connection status 233 viewing VPN tunnel status 233
subnet definition 297
subnet address definition 297
support contract number adding 129 changing 129
support password changing 130
syn interval 158
synchronize with NTP server 157 system configuration 157 system date and time
setting 157 system location SNMP 162
system name SNMP 162
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