“Memorandum of Understanding” which led to the implementation of Euro ISDN in 1993. Euro ISDN is documented in the ETSI
•Fax standards - There are two important fax standards for ISDN:
—G3 (Group 3, ITU standard T.4) which comes from the analog telephony world and allows a maximum resolution of 200 dpi by 200 dpi. Transfer speeds usually are 2,400 bps, 4,800 bps, 7,200 bps, 9,600 bps, and 14.4 kbps. The IBM International ISDN PC Card supports the fax G3 standard.
—G4 (Group 4, ITU standard T.6) is a digital fax standard which is available only in ISDN. It allows a maximum resolution of 400 dpi by 400 dpi. Transfer speeds are 2,400 bps, 4,800 bps, 9,600 bps, 48 kbps, and 64 kbps. However there are hardly any G4 fax devices on the market, and they are prohibitively expensive. G4 stands for Group 4 (ITU standard T.6).
•Fossil - Fido Opus Seadog Standard Interface Layer. This is a modem emulation standard developed for analog BBS communications. A FOSSIL device driver supports most of the AT commands set used by analog modems.
•Hot insertion/removal - Denotes the installation or removal of a peripheral device when the system is powered on and running.
•ISDN voltage - The ISDN network voltage at the subscriber interface, where the ISDN terminal equipment is connected, is 40 VDC.
•ITU - International Telecommunication Union. A United Nations body which develops recommendations for international telecommunication standards.
•kbps, kbit/s - megabits per seconds One Mbit/s is 1,000,000 bits per second, or 125,000 bytes per second, or roughly 122 kilobytes per second.
•Mbps, Mbit/s - megabits per seconds One Mbit/s is 1,000,000 bits per second, or 125,000 bytes per second, or roughly 122 kilobytes per second.
•MSN - Multiple Subscriber Number. A feature that is available only in Euro ISDN. SOme telephone companies assign multiple numbers to each ISDN subscriber line ordered. These MSNs are usually (but not necessarily) in sequence starting with ISDN line’s primary number. Each MSN is an independent telephone number. Each ISDN terminal device connected to the line can be assigned one of the line’s MSNs to permit internal call routing. Ask your ISDN service provider if your line will be equipped with MSNs and, if so, how many.
Note: MSNs can be assigned to terminal equipment without regard to sepcific ISDN services.
•Multilink - A multilink connection is one that uses two or more B channels as a single communication link. The two B channels of a BRI can be bundled to yield a data rate of 2x64 kbit/s. Multilink connections generally result in higher connection charges.
•OSI reference model - The Open Systems Interconnection model is a standard description or "reference model" of data transmission between any two points in a communication network. Its purpose is to guide product developers and maximize interoperability among different products. The reference model