questions and those regarding Machine set-up and installation, will be provided


Warranty Service: To obtain warranty service for a Machine, contact IBM or your reseller. If you do not register your Machine with IBM, you may be required to present proof of purchase.

During the warranty period, IBM or your reseller, if approved by IBM to provide warranty service, provides without charge certain types of repair and exchange service to keep Machines in, or restore them to, conformance with their Specifications. IBM or your reseller will inform you of the available types of service for a Machine based on its country of installation. At its discretion, IBM or your reseller will 1) either repair or exchange the failing Machine and 2) provide the service either at your location or a service center. IBM or your reseller will also manage and install selected engineering changes that apply to the Machine.

Some parts of IBM Machines are designated as Customer Replaceable Units (called “CRUs”), e.g., keyboards, memory, or hard disk drives. IBM ships CRUs to you for replacement by you. You must return all defective CRUs to IBM within 30 days of your receipt of the replacement CRU. You are responsible for downloading designated Machine Code and Licensed Internal Code updates from an IBM Internet Web site or from other electronic media, and following the instructions that IBM provides.

When warranty service involves the exchange of a Machine or part, the item IBM or your reseller replaces becomes its property and the replacement becomes yours. You represent that all removed items are genuine and unaltered. The replacement may not be new, but will be in good working order and at least functionally equivalent to the item replaced. The replacement assumes the warranty service status of the replaced item. Many features, conversions, or upgrades involve the removal of parts and their return to IBM. A part that replaces a removed part will assume the warranty service status of the removed part.

Before IBM or your reseller exchanges a Machine or part, you agree to remove all features, parts, options, alterations, and attachments not under warranty service.

You also agree to

1.ensure that the Machine is free of any legal obligations or restrictions that prevent its exchange;

2.obtain authorization from the owner to have IBM or your reseller service a Machine that you do not own; and

3.where applicable, before service is provided:

a.follow the problem determination, problem analysis, and service request procedures that IBM or your reseller provides; all programs, data, and funds contained in a Machine;

c.provide IBM or your reseller with sufficient, free, and safe access to your facilities to permit them to fulfill their obligations; and

d.inform IBM or your reseller of changes in a Machine's location.

Appendix F. Product warranties and notices 249

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IBM 19K5716 manual Without Warranties of ANY Kind