This chapter describes some iAPX 88 system design examples, ranging from a simple
The first iAPX 88 design example is a simple multiplexed bus system, complete with 8088 CPU, 8284A clock generator, and - depend- ing on the amount of memory and I/O desired -
In its smallest configuration, this system consists of only 4 chips:
8088 CPU
8284A Clock Generator
8185 lK Bytes RAM
The configuration we will discuss has 7 chips:
8088 CPU
8284A Clock Generator
2 x
2 x 8185 2K Bytes RAM
This system is built on a 95 mm X 105 mm printed circuit board. It draws 400 - 600 mA from a single 5V power supply and includes an
-are available to demonstrate system capabilities.
This system uses the 5MHz 8088 CPU. Its memory and I/O components are connected directly to the 8088's multiplexed address/ data bus, and no wait states are required.
Address Decoding
The memory and I/O address spaces are decoded using upper address lines for linear chip selects. Address lines
The address decoding table (Fig.
CAUTION: For most systems using linear chip selects, some addresses enable more than one memory or I/O device at the same time. For instance, the
This system provides 54 I/O lines, some dedicated to the RS232C interface, the LED output, and the 8155's timer/counter. The other I/O lines are available for general purpose 1/ O. The two 8755As provide 321/0 lines, individually programmable as inputs or outputs. Three of these lines, P A7, PBO and PB7 of E3, implement the RS232C REC-
The implementation of the RS232C interface will be explained for a few interesting tricks