instruction within the current code segment for an intrasegment transfer, or to a different code segment with an intersegment transfer. The transfer is made unconditionally any time the instruction is executed. An intra- segment transfer is always made relative to the current value of the instruction pointer. Program segments which only use intraseg- ment transfers are, therefore, relocatable in memory. The conditional transfer instruc- tions mayor may not transfer control, depending on the state of the CPU flags at the time the instruction is executed.
The 18 instructions (Fig.
JA/JNBE | Jump if above/ not below nor equal |
JAE/JNB | Jump if above or equal/not below |
JB/JNAE | Jump if below /not above nor equal |
JBE/JNA | Jump if below or equal/not above |
JC | Jump if carry |
JE/JZ | Jump if equal/zero |
JG/JNLE | Jump if greater/not less nor equal |
JGE/JNL | Jump if greater or equal/not less |
JLlJNGE | Jump if less/not greater nor equal |
JLE/JNG | Jump if less or equal/not greater |
JNC | Jump if not carry |
JNE/JNZ | Jump if not equal/ not zero |
JNO | Jump if not overflow |
JNP/JPO | Jump if not parity/parity odd |
JNS | Jump if not sign |
JO | Jump if overflow |
JP/JPE | Jump if parity/parity even |
JS | Jump if sign |
The iteration control instructions regulate the repetition of software loops. These instruc- tions use the CX register as a counter. The LOOPNE instruction for instance decre- ments a count, checks to see if the count is zero, and branches back to the beginning of the program loop. The equivalent function would require multiple instructions in an older
The interrupt instructions allow interrupt servic~ routines to be activated by both pro-
grams and external hardware devices. The effect of software initiated interrupts is sim- ilar to hardware initiated interrupts.
The processor control instructions (Fig.
CALL | Call procedure |
RET | Return from procedure |
JMP | Jump |
LOOP | Loop |
LOOPE/ LOOPZ | Loop if equal/zero |
LOOPNE/ LOOPNZ | Loop if not equal/not zero |
JCXZ | Jump if register CX = 0 |
INT | Interrupt |
INTO | Interrupt if overflow |
IRET | Interrupt return |
"Above" and "below" refer to the relationship of two unsigned values. "Greater" and "less" refer to the relationship of two signed values.